Essay Writing

                                              Tips on Essay Writing - Level 4 - 2013

There are two kinds of essays in History:

Both essays must always have a clear introduction, body and conclusion.

     1. INTRODUCTION: Topic sentence (read the question - refer to the name or event included in the question). Supporting sentences (explain name or event included in the question: what-who-when-where). Aim of the essay (you always have to state the aim of your essay). In order to do so (you must explain the way your body will be structured - use Passive Voice)
In 1914 one of the most terrible wars in modern history broke out. For centuries, clashes between the French and the German peoples had taken place; and this became especially deadly after the french defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. Rivalry between states as regards colonies had developed over time and by 1914 it had driven Germany and Britain apart. Europe had been divided into two armed blocks: the Central Powers and the Allies; and nationalism in the Balkans was increasing tension. The aim of this essay is to asses if the System of Alliances started by Bismarrck in the 1870s was the main cause that led to the Great War. In order to do so, the importance of this factor in comparison to others such as Nationalism, Imperialism and Militarism will be examined.

The aim of this essay is to...
Verbs: asses, examine, look into, evaluate, investigate...

     2. BODY: The body of an essay is its core. During a couple of paragraphs you will answer the question that is asked. Each paragraph has to follow has to follow a LINKER + STATEMENT (answer the title of the essay) - EXPLANATION - ILLUSTRATION - GOING BACK TO STATEMENT (closing sentence: Therefore, answer again the title of the essay as you did in the topic sentence) structure.
To begin with, Militarism must be considered an important cause that led to WWI's outbreak. (STATEMENT) Firstly, rivalry betwen Great Britain and Germany developed due to the Kaiser's will to expand the German navy. Ever since the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 Britain had ruled the seas without any challenge. Yet, this situation began to change in 1898 when William II announced his intention to build a powerful German navy. Britain felt threatened by this and a competition in the launchings of new warships started. (EXPLANATION 1) In 1906 Britain developed the HMS Dreadnought, to which Germany responded by building its own. In fact, bth Germany and Britain spent million on their new ships. (ILLUSTRATION) Many historians consider that this was the reason why Great Britain was driven closer to the Allies, forgetting about its rivalry with France over colonies, rather than to the Central Powers. (LINK TO THE QUESTION) Moreover, while Britain and Germany built up their navies, the major powers on mainland Europe were also building their armies. (EXPLANATION 2) In fact, France's military and naval personnel increased from 0.7 million men in 1900 to 0.9 million in 1914. The same is true when we examine the growth of Britain's, Russia's, Austra's - Hungary's, Germany's and Italy's personnel. Military staffs also started preparing war plans for war. In Germany, the famous Schlieffen Plan was developed. (ILLUSTRATION) We can thus see that states were building up for war; something that increased tension and suspicion between government. Therefore, we can see that Militarism was an important cause that led to WWI since it drove GB closer to the Allies, and it increased tension and suspicion between states. (LINK TO THE QUESTION)

ALWAYS remember to use connectors. (To begin with, Firstly, Moreover, Furthermore, Secondly, Added to this, What is more, Finally, Therefore)

ALWAYS remember to make the link between knowledge and the question you are asked. It's wrong to only mention how Europe was building up if you don't explain why this was a cause for WWI. This can always be introduced as the last sentence of your paragraph using the word "Therefore".

     3. CONCLUSION: Make a brief summary of what has been said in your body. NO NEW INFORMATION SHOULD BE INTRODUCED!!
To conclude, it must be considered that the System of Alliances was an important cause that led to the outbreak of WWI since it divided Europe into two armed blocks and it turned local conflicts into international wars. Nonetheless, other important causes must be considered sush as Militarism, Nationalism and Imperialism.

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